Subject: Domain - Free With Hosting Account Explained
The following message was sent by our staff regarding the above subject:
If you host your website and also have the same domain name registered with Webmasters, you will receive a $14.95/yr (the standard domain registration fee) discount on web hosting:
This discount is $14.95 off of the regular hosting renewal price (regular price is $119.40, the usual discounted total is $104.45).
In simplest terms (and using the regular base prices):
Without the discount, you would be paying $14.95/yr and $119.40/yr. ($134.35)
With the domain discount, you pay $14.95/yr and $104.45/yr. ($119.40)
This gives you $14.95 off of the total cost, which accounts for the free domain.
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It is still necessary to -also- make your renewal payments for the domain registration itself to keep the domain name active as registration is a different system.
* * *
Web hosting and domain registration are two separate accounts. This does not happen automatically unless Auto Renew is enabled.
We suggest you add the [Auto Renew] feature to your domains so that you never have to worry about it again. If you make sure the credit card information is up to date in your master domain account*, you can then enable auto renew for any or all of your domains. The card will automatically be charged each year and your domains will never expire.
It's also possible to renew a domain for years in advance.
To renew any domain for more that just one year you must first login to the Domain Registration Control Panel using the Master Domain Account Username/Password .
1) Check the box next to the domain name
2) Click on [Select] in the white rectangle to the left
3) Click [Renew] (with the green check mark) below it.
You can choose for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 9* years (based on your current registration time - it cannot exceed 10 total years (to the second)). To avoid any possible future issues, even with auto-renew enabled, we recommend you add an additional year (or more!) of registration so that you're always ahead.
*To update your credit card details, please log into your master domain registration account and then click on the "Update Account" icon, and then the "Credit Card" button.
FYI: You can check the official ICANN expiration date on any domain at anytime by using WHOIS. There is a WHOIS tool in your control panel under [Network Tools], or you can also get WHOIS information anywhere online.
We apologize for any confusion.
Please feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions or issues. Thank you for contacting us.
Best regards,
Support Team |