Herbs of Light, Inc. - The Challenges
 1. The preexisting site structure was the foremost problematic area for this client. The product information was scattered between the shopping cart and other information pages that were not linked to each other in any logical fashion. Visitors traveled various linking corridors in vain, only to have to backtrack to the home page and try another labyrinth of links.
2. The original site design was loaded with pink and purple, and lacked the luster of the booming herb industry in general, and the professionalism and success of Herbs of Light, Inc. specifically. This company was spotlighted by ABC Action News Prime Time "Herbal Medicine in America" as a resource for quality herbs. Yet its online debut resembled neither its successful herbal processing techniques not its charismatic founder, Dean Martens.
3. The client's shopping cart needed to address the needs of retail and wholesale customers.
4. The client needed to regain control of the product information and general website content.
Herbs of Light, Inc. - Our Strategy
1. Gather all of the required information and organize it into logical, easily identifiable components that could be quickly accessed from any page on the site.
2. The client presented a very specific color palette which consisted of yellow, green, purple, and "real nature". The design specifications also included a preexisting logo which incorporated yellow, green and purple, but which represented a more artistic rendition of nature. Our strategy was to fuse the color palette and opposing nature themes into one intriguing modern design.
3. The client's new shopping cart would require a sophisticated approach for organizing, presenting, and manipulating different product types than it's preexisting cart. While providing a retail shopping cart system was important for this client, we discovered that wholesale was a fundamental element of their business model. We determined that wholesale customers would require more attention on the site, though this attention would be downplayed in the public areas.
4. We concluded that a Product Manager and Content Manager would give this client the control that they needed to properly manage their business online.
Herbs of Light, Inc. - The Results
1. With over 240 products and over 400 packaging options, any product can be quickly accessed from any page on the site through the use of database-driven drop-down menus. Customers can get the information and products they need quickly and easily.
2. The use of specific colors was neither an accident nor a small challenge. To harmonize preexisting logo with real nature, we found an unusual location for the logo - inside of the body of the page where the page content resides. Rather than a splash of solid purple, we manually created a rich sunset sky and coordinated the logo fonts with header's sky treatment. "Real nature" was brought in under the sky with overflowing herbal leaves, over which a slightly opaque green divider calmed the scene and provided a functional location for additional site navigation.
3. Product information was ultimately categorized and displayed using specialized design templates, and then further enhanced for wholesale clients and retail customers. To attract more wholesale clients, we incorporated two additional components: a wholesale application form, the store locator, both of which are easily managed by the business administrator.
4. The Product manager is a smart tool that can capture product type and leads the business administrator through the process. The Content Manager allows the client to quickly update content without any html knowledge.
Herbs of Light, Inc. - Client Feedback
With great pleasure I would like to give our testimonial in regards to our Web Designer, Leann. She has been what every business owner wants to find in service both during the design and follow up after completion. Her capabilities and attitude have made it a very pleasant experience producing a professional, easily understood, customer friendly marketing tool. It is truly enjoyable to find a professional like her, that produces more than what was hoped for.
Dean Martens,
Founder, Herbs of Light, Inc.
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GoMagnetic - The Challenges - The Challenges
 1. Provide a classic design that would appeal to a female-based clientele while highlighting the therapeutic value of magnetic jewelry.
2. Import hundreds of products with multiple style features
3. Emphasize the versatility of the product options.
GoMagnetic - Our Strategy
1. We came to understand that this client's growth would occur in products with existing categories rather than standard menu options. After creating the original format for the design, we allowed room for growth in areas where the client will indeed grow, without the fuss and muss of a heavy navigation menu. The navigation would be be "centered" into a drill-down type of system that would allow customers to see the categories they are selecting as they move through the process.
2. Work directly with the customer by developing a product spreadsheet format through which they could provide us with clean product data.
3. This company provides their customers with many product options. Our strategy was to provide drop-down options at the time of purchase, as well as provide an "information sheet" that woud be easily accessible for clarification of stone types.
GoMagnetic - The Results
1. This unique design is both classic in appearance and modern in technique. The page layouts are provided inside the curves of the site, and scroll within these sections. The pinks, purples, and blues make the design "pop", but also allow customers to browse comfortably and buy from the site easily.
2. We worked with the client by overseeing their data input at various intervals. Once the final data was handed to us, we were able to import it into their database seamlessly with very few import hiccups. We then tied the data together with the site design and external category "drill-downs" and recreated the standard PhpCart product layout to match the overall style and ease of use.
3. With so many stones and color options, we standardized the options into an easy-to-understand visual reference guide for customers to view, and placed this on all of the product pages. Users can make their choices based on colorized images with very little confusion about what they're purchasing.
GoMagnetic - Client Feedback
Coming Soon
Lisa Skinner,
Owner, GoMagnetic.com
BandDirector.com - The Challenges
 1. This client was at the mercy of its previous web development team for even the simplest of content changes such as correcting typos or other basic editing tasks.
2. The client needed a way to add new articles, and manage their growing article archives.
3. The client was inundated with repetitive advertiser content management tasks which took way from other important responsibilities.
4. Site design and structure. As a grassroots organization, the preexisting site design had a homegrown feel. Each new component or feature began to appear more as an afterthought than a viable and integral part of the overall design. Because the original site structure was not designed to handle rapid growth, navigating the site became cumbersome, even for regular visitors.
BandDirector.com - Our Strategy
1. Provide complete control of content, from editing existing articles to adding new ones. Also, allow the client to manage article archives by creating article categories and categorizing articles in archives.
2. Create a multi-dimensional advertiser management system that appropriates control and content management to the best-suited system user.
3. Because this client is a pioneer in the online band directory industry, and has, in fact, single-handedly created the industry almost from thin air, "afterthoughts" are more appropriately termed "innovations". With innovative ideas pouring forth at rapid fire speeds, the system architecture must flex its content muscles in unforeseeable and unpredictable ways. Therefore, the underlying foundation needs to expand and evolve without cracking under pressure.
BandDirector.com - The Results
1. We created a custom Article Management Tools that allows the client to quickly add articles or modify existing ones. Using the Article Manager, the client can easily update their homepage with fresh articles, videos, and images whenever they wish, without being dependent on any website maintenance plan.
2. The client now has a robust multi-dimensional Advertising Management Control Center that provides user and content capabilities for themselves and their advertisers. The client can add, delete, and modify advertisers, and has the added functionality to modify the status of ads with on/off switch options. The client's advertisers can update their ad spaces with fresh images and content at their leisure. Also, the advertisers also have on/off switch options.
3. Knowing that we had a group of pioneers on our hands, we knew that we had to create a solid foundation with a flexible navigation system that could immediately rise to their innovative challenges at a moment's notice. Each major component of the site is designed with a general concept, but can be easily adapted to break free from the mold to "do its own thing". Therefore, pages and navigation can be quickly added and modified by the client, and each navigation component can be adapted to include multi-dimensional navigations within it.
BandDirector.com - Client Feedback
We stumbled across Webmasters.com by accident through a web search. Frustrated with our current web designer and their lack of knowledge to complete a project, we desperately needed more professional help. This contact turned out to be exactly what we needed to grow our business.
We needed a web team to develop the tools needed for us to control simple tasks of daily updates and maintenance to our website. We needed the control to administer the ad locations and visibility of our clients. We needed the ability to upload articles and videos. We needed all of this without having to know web design code or difficult web language.
What we received from Webmasters.com was more that we asked for. Not only did they develop the tools need to accomplish all the requirements of the proposal, but in addition, we received the communication and support needed for further develop and expansion. I would highly recommend Webmasters.com.
Dave Knox
Founder, Band Director Media Group
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Meditask.net - The Challenges
 1. This medical transcription company's primary objectives had everything to do with security, security and more security. With the responsibility of handling sensitive medical information, and a new legal demand from HIPAA, the national medical information governing body, this client had to meet the demands of securing data on the web from the time it was received until the time the product was delivered.
2. Previously, work was transmitted to numerous locations including call-in portals, ftp servers and email. While the call-in portals remained as a primary entry location for dictation voice files, the client wanted a way to bring the voice files into one central work station where it could automatically logged and distributed to transcriptionists via SSL encrypted methods.
3. Workflow productivity was tedious to monitor with the existing system. The client required logging reports for successful file delivery and distribution, and internal alert options for their customers who were seeking accelerated turn around times (referred to as STAT). They also needed a general reporting tool to more efficiently track work-in-progress and meet the stringent deadlines imposed by their clientele.
Meditask.net - Our Strategy
2. Though we would be responsible for managing the project coordination, centralizing the data would require a collaborative effort on behalf of our team, outside server administrators and their networkers. Each group would be responsible for specific tasks involving file encryption during file handling and transfers. We defined our specific task as encrypting our connection to the outside servers, which were on different operating systems. During our connection to the servers, we would retrieve and distribute files to the corresponding transcriptionists, and, once completed, would run a file check for added security and maintenance. Once all checks were completed, we would go back to the server and delete the files for optimal server maintenance.
3. With the data centralized, the client would clearly benefit from a reporting system that would incorporate file and staff tracking for efficient business management. Since many of their tasks were repetitive, our strategy was to automate thee tasks and free up resource and business development time.
Meditask.net - The Results
1. This company now has a system which surpasses the stringent HIPAA security regulations imposed on their clients. All connections to sensitive medical information are forced SSL, meaning that even when a user attempts to modify the URL to an unencrypted state, the system knows to immediately revert to SSL.
2. While the client's data continues to arrive from various locations, it is brought securely to one centralized work station, where company administrators, staff, and clients can focus on their real work tasks instead of catching the next train to get to the next work location. Administrators can easily add new workers and clients to their system. They can also provide both traditional and modern transcription service options to their clients, making them a competitive and progressive leader in the medical transcription industry.
3. We were able to collaborate with the client to identify various reporting mechanisms that would assist their business management tasks including file tracking, staff tracking, STAT and late file system alerts, and billing summary tools.
Meditask.net - Client Feedback
Medi-Task needed a site which could meet stringent HIPAA-compliance issues, and which would be tremendously functional while remaining "tight", able to handle massive concurrent file transfers. AND it required a professional, polished appearance.
No matter what I threw at Leann and her team, they found a way to overcome the many obstacles and challenges, ultimately providing me with a rich, dependable, highly-functional site which is still growing as my company grows. Unlike other experiences in design and implementation, this group doesn’t hide under the "black box" umbrella; my questions (and simple curiosity to understand complex issues) have been met with solid, understandable answers.
My company and site continue to grow. Knowing that I have a team like Webmasters.com behind me gives me great confidence to expand and build. It’s so nice to put website worries aside, and to realize that there is truly a team out there who cares about Medi-Task’s success and growth. Try putting a price tag on that kind of peace of mind...
Sarah Mayor
Owner and Founder, Medi-Task Medical Transcription Service
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Practical Woo WooWoo™ - The Challenges
 1. The design was to reflect a professional, yet earthy feel with an artistic flair.
2. The shopping cart would contain tangible products as well as virtual products that could be downloaded immediately following the online payment authorization.
3. The client required a unique content manager that would, in some cases, allow one modification to take place across multiple pages, while other modifications would zero in on specific text.
Practical Woo WooWoo™ - Our Strategy
1. The strategy for this design was to combine the concept of "professionalism" through symmetry and clean organization, with the concept of "earthiness" using color balance and natural imagery.
2. The shopping cart would be customized to incorporate tangible and "virtual" products that could be downloaded immediately after payment authorization. A shipping module for tangible products would gather shipping costs based on the customer's zip code for final shipping costs. A time limit for downloading virtual products would be established, and both product types would be available to customers in one shopping trip.
3. This client would require a product manager, and this would incorporate both the tangible and virtual product types. The client would also require a content manager to update various segments of the site.
Practical Woo WooWoo™ - The Results
1. Starting with a beautifully designed logo, our team crafted a home page layout which deviated from the rest of the site's pages. Here, we focused on the unusual business name, and added artistic, yet symmetrical boxes highlighting several areas of the site. The inside layout was treated with the soft, earthy feel of jade greens, and warmth was added through the use of softly cut-out nature photographs.
2. The shopping cart provides a seamless shopping experience where customers can easily add any type of product to their basket. The cart "knows" if tangible items are added, and if so, requires zip code information to calculate shipping costs at the time of checkout. If only "virtual" products are added, the cart does not require the user to provide unnecessary zip code information as shipping costs will not be added to the order.
3. The content manager gives this client control of their website, allowing them to make unilateral changes across the site in one easy step. It also allows for making changes to key pages and content areas. The product manager gives the client full reign to grown their product base quickly and easily, regardless of the product type.
Practical Woo Woo™ - Client Feedback
Webmasters.com is fabulous!!! This company is filled with an abundance of competent, creative, solution-oriented folks that truly make what could be an otherwise stressful development process quite pleasant! Their service, whether on the hosting or web design side, is impeccable! I had so many questions and requirements; Webmasters.com was right there with me all the way. They helped me not only create a site that is absolutely beautiful, but one that is designed so that it can grow with me as my business grows. There is no doubt in my mind that I will renew with them again and again! Much thanks to the entire team at Webmasters.com - and a very special thank you to Leann in the design department!!!
Nancy Pabers,
Founder, Practical Woo Woo™
ADO Productions - The Challenges
 1. This site required a complete redesign. The previous design did not adquately portray the dramatic feeling of theatre or independent film production.
2. Provide background music for an added "theatrical effect". The site's purpose is to draw attention to it's porfolio, provide information about upcoming productions, and to attract investors.
3. Include updates via a blog, and generate interest from the forum.
ADO Productions - Our Strategy
1. Working with the client on a new color palette, we learned that they wanted to keep the original red, but modify the overall layout.
2. Enhance the visitor experience of drama with music.
3. Incorporate interaction features that would allow the owner to update his own blog, yet allow visitors to participate and interact with others.
ADO Productions - The Results
1. The old design was completely discarded for a new, highly dramatic ensemble of deep reds and burnt organges, overlapping a clean black background. The original logo was modified to enhance it's debut on the new site. The final result is a stunning masterpiece.
2. We incorporated background music for an added "theatrical effect".
3. We added a blog, and a customized forum to generate visitor ainterest.
ADO Productions
Southern Lights Scented Candles - The Challenges
 1. This site required a brand new design using their existing logo. In the
center of the logo is a fireplace, which was to "burn" in an animated fashion,
providing a warm entrance to a bright and cheerful site.
2. It was important to highlight a long-standing "special" on all pages for
general marketing purposes.
3. Provide general information about the company in a simple, clean
format, and allow customers to purchase from an online store.
Southern Lights Scented Candles - Our Strategy
1. Using the original artwork, our goal was to "cut out" the center of the logo to create a simple animation that would "keep the fire burning" on the welcome page.
2. Our goal was to create a place within the site design that would be a permanent home to the ongoing special.
3. Knowing that this company is a direct rival of Yankee Candles, it was important to the owner to discuss why he started the business. We also made a list of information that the client wanted on the site, and then constructed a navigation system to accommodate it. Since the business would grow in the number of candles it sells, but not necessarily other content, we allowed room for growth in candle scents rather than in the site navigation.
Southern Lights Scented Candles - The Results
1. The welcome page is a splash page which features all of the candle scents, and has a fireplace in the center of the page to "warm up the space".
2. We created a "HOT DEALS" graphic and placed it in near the logo on every page. The graphic links directly to a special page that informs customers about the great deal.
3. With our page list in hand, we worked with the client to include product images and text on each page. The storefront is on one page, and provides a simple way for customers to select the packages that they wish to purchase. We also included a color-guide for "decorating scents".
Carry A Tune Technologies - The Challenges
 1. While the preexisting database did indeed "hold" the data, its usefulness was restricted and could not exceed data storage capabilities. This data should have related to each other in some meaningful way. However, the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) was basically nonexistant, resulting in poorly defined relationships between the data tables. Since the data relationships were poorly defined, the client could not adequately analyze the data in any meaningful way in regards to customer demographics, marketing strategies, etc.
2. The preexisting site design did not incorporate easy navigation for site visitors. Links to important information were difficult to locate, and were not presented in a logical manner. The navigation was locked, and the design could simply not tolerate additional links. The design actually prohibited online growth.
3. Although the client was afforded a "Content Manager", this tool was extremely limited. It allowed the client to update a few areas, but did not permit modifications to product information, nor did it provide expansion options for this quickly-growing business.
4. Software registration and the private "members only" areas lacked true navigation. These required an improved navigation system and a clean layout that made it look easy to the novice computer user.
Carry A Tune Technologies - Our Strategy
1. Thoroughly examine data requirements and reorganize the database using an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to establish meaningful relationships between data tables. By defining and establishing data relationships, we would then be able to meet the client's objectives by providing expansion capabilities for business growth and data reporting tools for improved business management.
2. Redesign site to incorporate better navigation and overall professional appearance.
3. Provide a way for the client to fully manage general content and product information. Provide additional navigation editing abilities, allowing client to modify linking structure during periods of growth.
4. Redesign online software registration and "members only" area for improved navigation and sales opportunities.
Carry A Tune Technologies - The Results
1. With a newly organized and well-structured database, the client now has the ability to review and analyze custom reports such as sales data and customer demographics.
2. The redesign gave the client a hip new look which was coupled with an easy to follow navigation structure. They don't get lost on their site, and more importantly, neither do their customers.
3. The client can now modify all of their existing content; they can also add new information and product pages. They can also update the site navigation anytime they want. They have a full featured Content Manager, Product Manager, and Navigation Manager, and still do not need any html or scripting knowledge.
4. As part of their product sale, this client offers a specified number of free downloads for its registered members. The product registration and exclusive "members' area" also provides additional resource and purchase options for members. It is designed to enhance the customer experience and increase back-end sales.
Carry A Tune Technologies - Client Feedback
We are delighted with our selection of Webmasters.com and the work they have done. They came in, analyzed our needs, made recommendations and got the job done. They are a high value, high-touch shop that understands who the client is. I would recommend them to anyone.
Ken Spiegel,
VP & General Manager, Carry a Tune Technologies
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Blue Circus LLC - The Challenges
 1. Create an online estimating forum where homeowners can post home construction projects.
2. Allow service providers to post estimates on projects. Also, provide multiple payment arrangement options for service contractors to use the BlueCircus tools.
3. Provide internal communication options for homeowners and service contractors without revealing homeowners' contact information.
4. Alert contractors about new projects in their specialty and location radius, and alert homeowners when estimates are placed on their projects.
5. Allow homeowners to locate service providers in their area.
Blue Circus LLC - Our Strategy
1. Determine what information would be required to post a project, while protecting their identity and contact information.
2. Provide service option categories for service contractors to choose from, and all them to select their preferred radius parameters to get the types of jobs they are seeking within a given distance from their location. Define payment options for service providers to select from.
3. Create an internal message center for one-to-one discussions for project clarification and general correspondence. Also allow both users to upload images and related files that might assist in defining services.
4. Create two types of message alerts for service contractors. The first type would allow them to see incoming projects in their internal "My Blue Circus" areas. The second would be set as an email notification.
5. Create a "Service Provider" locator based on zip-codes.
Blue Circus LLC - The Results
1. Homeowners can now provide general project information including service category, timeline and available material supplies. They would also be able to provide (upload) photographs to compliment their project description and possibly reduce the need for a home visit by the service provider.
2. Service Providers can sign up for services and then define their "Marketplace" by selecting any or all specialty areas. They can further define their Marketplace by defining the distance from themselves to the customer's project location. To preserve the homeowner's privacy, distances are indicated by the number of miles, and the actual address is not disclosed.
3. Homeowners and service contractors can now discuss project details and share files in a private message board. Each message board stores messages by default, and messages can be marked as "New" and "Saved". Deleted messages are removed in batches, allowing a message which has been mistakenly deleted to be retrieved and saved.
4. Each time a project is posted in a service contractor's Marketplace (specialty/location), the system automatically alerts them in their "My Marketplace" area. Email notifications are sent at the end of each day with a clean list of all new projects for the day.
5. Site visitors can quickly locate contractors who service their area in a given specialty by selecting the service area and entering their zip code. Contractors are listed in alphabetical order for easy identification.
Blue Circus, LLC
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World Bible Society - The Challenges
 1. This site required a fresh approach to an Resource Library, an
online storefront that would allow visitors to access their audiotapes for small donations.
2. This client's continued success is based, in part, on cash donations. To facilitate this need, their site required a way to allow
users to make donations quickly and easily.
World Bible Society - Our Strategy
1. Our strategy was to provide a clean redesign for their Online
Library using our PhpCart Shopping Cart.
2. In addition to offering payment choices to its visitors, our approach was to assist the client in receiving cash donations by allowing
visitors to offer their gifts easily and quickly through an online medium using the payment method of their choice.
World Bible Society - The Results
1. The final result is a clean, clearly categorized Resource Library
storefront with a unique design that is both aesthetic and functional.
2. We provided this client with a "Make a Donation" section which now allows visitors to offer cash donations using the "gift payment" option of
their choice, which includes payment by check, credit cards. It also provides visitors with recurring "gift giving" options, where their gift
can recur each month or season as they prefer.
World Bible Society
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